4 Warning Signs of a Carbon Monoxide Leak – We’re all familiar with the immediate emergency response necessary when we smell a gas leak. But what happens if we can’t smell the leak? Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that sends over 50,000 people to emergency rooms across the US every year.
How do you know if your home has a dangerous leak?
Here are common warning signs of a carbon monoxide leak and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning:
1. Cracked Heat Exchangers a safety issue for your family.
As furnaces get older the chances of cracked heat exchangers can increase. The crack in the heat exchanger allows carbon monoxide to escape through the ventilation system and into your home. Always have a carbon monoxide detector in the vicinity of your furnace. If it ever goes off call Cranbury Comfort Systems right away. This is a safety issue for you and your family. It is recommended that you have a carbon monoxide detector on each floor of your home as well.
2. Dull headaches. A persistent dull headache mixed with nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, confusion, or weakness is a common symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning. If ignored, these symptoms can intensify into shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, and even death. Seek medical help, especially if the symptoms are enhanced indoors and subside when outside or if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.
3. Make sure there’s ventilation. Never idle the car, lawnmower, or snowblower in a closed garage. Never use the gas stove or oven to heat the home and ensure proper ventilation when using space heaters. Gas and charcoal grills should only be used outdoors. Do not use generators in enclosed spaces without ventilation to the outdoors.
4. Always maintain the detector. For the greatest protection, install carbon monoxide detectors throughout the home and replace the batteries twice a year. If the detector alarm sounds, call Cranbury Comfort Systems and leave the house until cleared for return. Seek medical attention if carbon monoxide poisoning is suspected.
Keep in mind that carbon monoxide leaks are not isolated to homes, and the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are easily overlooked.
Recently, at a skating rink in Illinois, a men’s league hockey team contributed their headaches and shortness of breath to being out of shape. However, when younger players started collapsing on the bench in the next day’s game, emergency vehicles were dispatched, and all were evacuated. Though a couple of players were hospitalized, the results could have been dire. See the entire story here.
Carbon Monoxide Doesn’t Mess Around.
At Cranbury Comfort, your safety is our number one concern. Though we provide 24-hour emergency repair service, please also call 911 if you suspect a carbon monoxide leak or poisoning.
We proudly wear our name on our uniforms and trucks, so you know your system is in good hands with our NATE certified HVAC technicians.
Schedule your maintenance check today and ask about our free estimates. 609.758.5600