5 ways to prepare your HVAC system for winter – Ready or not, the winter season is on its way! That’s why fall is the perfect time to prep your home and HVAC before the cold blast hits.
If you want your HVAC system to work at optimum performance, it’s necessary to plan ahead for the changes in temperature and humidity.
When you prepare wisely for winter weather, you can avoid disruption in service and potentially costly repairs.
Follow these steps to smoothly transition your HVAC and extend the life span of your heating and cooling system.
1. Take advantage of fresh air.
As fall arrives and the temperature and humidity begin to drop, open windows and doors to take advantage of the cooler air instead of relying on your air conditioner. Use floor and ceiling fans to circulate the air throughout your home. Adjust your thermostat and turn off the air conditioning while sleeping, if possible.
2. Change the air filter.
Regularly changing the air filter is a reasonably simple practice to enhance air quality and airflow in your home. An air filter clogged with dust, dirt, and pollutants means your system needs to work harder to heat your house. Clean or replace the air filter before turning your heating system for the first time and every 4-6 weeks during peak heating season. Doing this can help prevent many common heating and air issues.
3. Reset your thermostat.
As autumn temperatures and family schedules change, be sure to reset your programmable thermostat to save dollars on your energy bill. Lower the temperature during the day while no one is at home and at night while everyone is asleep.
4. Schedule HVAC maintenance.
Schedule regular maintenance visits each spring and fall to prepare your HVAC for the upcoming season. A skilled technician will inspect, clean, and tune up your equipment, as well as take care of minor repairs if needed. Scheduling preventative maintenance guarantees that your heating and cooling system is safe, operational, and working at optimum performance throughout the year.
5. Add moisture to dry air.
Did you know that a humidifier can help you save on energy costs during the winter months? It’s harder for your furnace to heat dry air than it does air with moisture. By adding some humidity to the air, you will feel warmer, more comfortable, and be able to turn the thermostat down a couple of degrees.
The benefits of humidifiers outweigh the cost:
Contact the HVAC experts.
If you need assistance with the process of transitioning seasons in your home, have questions about whole-house humidifiers or preventative maintenance services, contact the experienced professionals at Cranbury Comfort Systems today.
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